Wednesday, March 30, 2016


New Media has become a vital source for expanding the reach of creativity. The numerous social media avenues, have allowed people to express their thoughts, to share photos, videos, and art, they have created (paintings, drawings, music, among other things) at a mass scale. When some see the work others are capable of, it  could inspire them to create a piece of their own (with different interpretation,ex: music covers, parody), thus by sharing continues a cycle of art/creativity. In the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" written by Brook Barnes. showcases how people have took Disney characters and by combining them with the music from other musicians, created a new point of view/twist, of an already established song. A double-edged sword of new media, is how the use  of comment sections, could provide either help to prosper or hinder someone's  work, with encouraging/disparaging remarks. 

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