Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blog Social Networking Sites

Social Networks have become the new outlet for people to interact and express/share their thoughts. The 4 I visited were Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr. Of the four Facebook is the most popular, and provides the user with the abilities to create written, photo or video media, DM and seems to be more for networking and professionals. Twitter is similar to FB, in regards to abilities except for the fact,  each post is limited to a 140 character limit. Compared to the other Instagram appears to be the most organized by being the most simplistic, when categorizing your followers latest exploits. Instagram has similar capabilities to the previous two, but only photo/media posts can be shared. Tumblr on the hand seems to be more for those interested in blogging, compared to the other social media sites. Each allow users to comment on others' posts (depending on the settings) and if they want to have a private or public page.

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