Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Blogs Vs Wikis

Blogs and Wiki are both very similar, but they each have their own distinctions. Blogs are little more casual and personal, specifically to the creator or creators (having the freedom to discuss whatever topic they feel like), while Wiki is meant for more as a informational tool to a wider audience (touching on any topic as long someone has made a page about it already). The article “Brooklyn Blog Helps Drug Raid” by Michael Wilson exhibits how a blog, played a pivotal role in removing drug dealers, who lived in a suspect house within a community, by neighbors posting on the blog fishy/suspicious acts they would see and hear, led to the police taking action and shutting down those criminals. Also, both may encourage interaction, Wiki allows users to edit and update content, whenever they see fit. In the article “Wikipedia: No longer the Wild West?” by John D. Sutter, he addresses as much as the site is about convenience , it is guilty of providing many errors within its content, requiring some editors to oversee it. Each of these depict the growing collaboration of an ideas taking place within the online community, sites such as Tumblr, Twitter, among others, which have drastically contributed in expanding the exchange of opinions/information on an eclectic array of topics around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matthew,

    I really liked your blog post. I never considered that both blogs and wikis have a similar type of encouragement of interaction, that was very insightful!

